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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pumpkin Waffles and a Freezer Tip

Good Morning everyone! (ok, that's not how I feel until about 30 min after I officially open my eyes.) I'm a slow waker uper and as much as I love my husband helping out, helping out doesn't usually, in this case, include bringing the kids into me BEFORE I've had a good 30 min of wake up you babe! But we are moms, and dads, and our jobs never end. So for our troubles, let's treat ourselves to some clean pumpkin waffles.

enter pumpkin waffles

I initially got the recipe from HERE but since it has 2 cups of white flour, I had to revise. If you don't want them clean, feel free to use the above recipe....I'm sure with the white flour its not a miss. If you want to clean it up, exchange the two cups of white flour her recipe calls for and change it to 2 cups of Whole Wheat flour...thats what I did.

Here is what I learned:

because the wheat flour is more dense, you tend to taste it more than you would white flour. So the next time I make this, I will put in 1 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice.

So, follow the recipe above, and change out the flour and add a bit more pumpkin pie spice.

We really enjoyed this recipe today and ate it with a small amount of butter and pure maple syrup. They syrup sweetened it up and gave it the edge it needed!

Now, for the freezer tip:

I'm a big freezer fan. I like to over-make the breakfasts I can so that when I AM in a daze, breakfast can be healthy and easy. Whenever I make waffles or pancakes, I make them as directed then place them on a plate so they can cool. Once they are cooled, I use wax paper and put the wax paper in between layers of waffles/pancakes. Then I put them in a ziploc baggie and get as much air out as possible. I put them in the freezer in a section I have dubbed breakfast (this section also has all my smoothie makings (bananas, spinach, fruit etc)). When I have mornings that I cannot make breakfast from scratch, I usually have something healthy in the freezer that just needs to be popped in the toaster and we are eating in less than 5 min. Perfect if you are Brian Reagan and need to be up and eating and out the door in less than 3 seconds.......and perfect if you don't want pop tarts.

Brian Reagan pop tarts

Enjoy the comedy, I need it this morning!!


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