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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

An Oatmeal a day

As I sit here with my littles this morning, after a long weekend at grandmas, I'm thinking about all that I have to do. I have 50 lbs of peaches that need canned sitting on my counter, countless fruit flys to send "home", and laundry up to my nose. But right now, this very second, I'm eating one of the best overnight Refrigerator Oatmeals I've had in awhile. I always love my go to banana peanut butter oatmeal from The Yummy Life...I won't lie that where I get most my overnight oatmeal recipes from, or I use her base and add a few different ingredients depending on what I have on hand.

Last night we pulled back into our home at 9:30 PM, frantically got the kids in bed, and the truck unloaded. It was then 10:00 and I knew I was going to have "a day" the next morning with two appts coming before noon. Baking muffins just wasn't an option, and I always have frozen pancakes or waffles on hand, but I just wasn't feeling it. I had very few ingredients, so I opted for an easy and quick peach overnight oatmeal....cause remember, I have 50 freakin pounds of peaches on my counter! haha

Here is the recipe (with my changes) for a delicious fresh peach overnight oatmeal:

1 cup milk (any kind, but if you use sweetened almond, it will make it sweeter)
1 cup greek yogurt (I used vanilla, but there is a peach one that would probably be really great)
1/2 tsp of vanilla (recipe called for 1/4 tsp)
2 T honey
2 cups non instant oats

You can then add in any fruits/nuts/etc that you want. This recipe I opted for

1 LARGE fresh peach cut into chunks
3 T chia seeds

Other add ins:
nuts such as chopped almonds, walnuts, pecans cashews
frozen fruit
fresh fruit
wheat germ

Put the milk, yogurt, vanilla, honey, oatmeal, and any non fruit add ins (especially chia seeds) in a ball jar (or any container that will fit all your ingredients. stir first with a spoon to get things mixed around, then put on a lid and shake baby shake! Open jar and add in addt add ins and mix carefully till they are all incorporated. Place in fridge overnight and eat in the morning.

We have enjoyed refrigerator oatmeal in summer and in winter...and I won't lie, I've made it and put it in a cooler for breakfast when we have gone camping!

I hope you enjoy this...there are many variations, so look around.

much love,


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