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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not yo Mamas Quinoa

I have a GO TO recipe that pretty much is one of the only Quinoa we eat around here. They kids love it, the husband loves it, and I could eat a whole bowl of this myself. I'm always getting the whole, 'hey can I have that recipe' comment, and I'm HAPPY to be able to give it to you today!

For those of you that don't know much or have never tried Quinoa, is some information on it: HERE

But in a nutshell, quinoa is high in Calcium, Iron, protein and fiber. It doesn't replace legumes in terms of fiber, but every little bit helps!!


1 Cup Quinoa
2 cups Chicken/vegetable/water (two cups of any of that will be good, but I prefer chicken stock in mine)
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup corn kernels (they have to be cooked, but do not have to be warm)
1 cup black beans (I used canned, again, cooked, but do not have to be warm)
3 green onions
1 small bunch of cilantro leaves, chopped (you can add more if you like cilantro)
2 Tbsp olive oil
zest and juice of 1 lime (again, more if you like lime)
1/2 tsp ground cumin
salt and pepper to taste
avocado diced (optional)

combine the quinoa and broth (or water) and salt in a saucepan, and bring to a full boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover with a lid, and cook until all of the broth or water is absorbed, about 15-20 min (when done, the grains will look almost clear.)

While quinoa is cooking, place corn, black beans, green onions, cilantro, olive oil, lime zest and juice and cumin in a bowl. Once Quinoa is done, add to bowl, stir and serve adding avocados on top if desired.
*recipe adapted

I LOVE this salad warm, my husband likes it cool. go figure.

When I eat Quinoa:
I like it for DINNER. I pair it with a roasted veggie of some sort in the winter. In the summer, I usually eat it with some kind of fruit salad.

LUNCH: leftovers, YES!

SNACK: more leftovers, double YES!

I hope you enjoy this as much as our family does. Can I say STAPLE anyone??

Also, here's a freebie for you: 
If you use canned beans and corn, you will have about 1.5 cups leftover. For my kids, I add clean salsa to it, and they eat it like an entree...double score for waste, healthy kids. 

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