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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm a lover of wraps. . . I just am. I love the idea of putting anything I want into a wrap and having every bite taste just how I want it to!! However, eating clean does put a restriction challange into the dressings. But perhaps you can have your wrap and eat it too? Since the demise of putting ranch dressing on just about everything I put into my mouth, I've found a new love and use for HUMMUS. Hummus is great, you can make it bland, spicy, colorful, or well, bland!  I also love hummus for my family and especially kids because it is inexpensive to make, its high in fiber, and has a lot of protein. My kids love dipping things in it, and I don't even care half the time if they just suck the hummus off, because its the hummus I want them to have! Here is my personal favorite hummus recipe.

2 Tbsp Olive Oil
2 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
(I've used the concentrate in a pinch)
2 Tbsp Tahini (recipe to follow)
1 clove of garlic (more if you like the flavor of garlic)
1/2 tsp salt
15 oz can chickpeas, drained and 1/4 c liquid reserved

Add ingredients, incuding the 1/4 c reserved liquid to jar in order listed and blend.
This wont be completely smooth, so blend as you won't get it totally creamy.
This makes about 2 cups

1/4 C Olive Oil
3 C hulled and toasted sesame seeds

Add oil and seeds to jar and blend. You may have to stop and push down the sides of the blender and re-blend.
preheat oven to 350 degrees. spread sesame seeds on  pan. Toast seeds for 10-12 min. Stir seeds half way through (so at 5-6 min).

This makes about 2 cups and I keep it in the fridge for 8 weeks. You'll find that you will use the Tahini up in other clean recipes as well...don't fret. I can see the look on your face right now.....

*Recipes were taken from BLENDTEC Fresh Blends cookbook.


I use it in wraps for the dressing. I spread it on the tortilla and then add red or yellow bell peppers, mozz cheese if I wish, spinach, tomatoes, salt and pepper.

My kids will eat the wraps too, but I put deli meat in theirs to keep them going (they love meat)

I also use it for just dipping vegetables. Its a great know, since we clean eaters are supposed to eat 6 times a day!

Don't love me for my skills to with lighting....

I think I wrapped this before I had more than spinach in it...not sure why.....yikes.

Eat and be well!!



  1. Thanks for the Tahini part of the recipe especially. I bought Tahini for hummus and it was AWFUL because it had been on the shelf for too long and got bitter: like the bottom of an old jar of Adam's PB bitter. Blech! But I do have seeds and olive oil so that's totally do-able now! YAY! :o)

    1. Oh I know!!! Sometimes I'm even scared to buy stuff from health food stores!! If all recipes were as easy as this, count me in!! Thanks for your comment!! I hope you enjoy!!
