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Monday, February 4, 2013

Break it down, SMOOTHIE TIME

Sing the title to MC hammers Hammer know, just for effect.

So last night I couldn't really get my son to eat much. Which always frustrates me because he usually is a HOOVER. I needed him to get some nutrients... and my go to for that kind of thing is always a green smoothie. I had some aging strawberries that needed used up, and because I buy my spinach in a costco size bag and freeze it into two cup increments, I always have spinach. I actually do the same for bananas. I buy them in bulk and break up one banana and freeze it in a baggie. makes for easy smoothie makings. I just did a simple search on strawberry green smoothies and several posts down I found this little gem: Strawberry Blueberry Green Smoothie

Since my kids are lovers of blueberries, frozen or fresh, this was a winner.



my daughter refusing to eat the rest of her chicken till I tempted her w a smoothie

WHOMP, there it is 

Stop, hammer time

wow, Ive got to get a life.......

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