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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Caesar Dressing....cause I'm in a salad mood

Well good morning everyone! I say good morning because my kids slept till almost 9, and I had a new friend stop by and surprised me with a visit (thanks Whitney!), so I'm JUST getting showered and now I realized its time for lunch! So I'm still celebrating my morning. haha

I had a friend from Utah ask me for a Caesar dressing recipe that I use because it doesn't have anchovies...and I have failed miserably to get it to her...until NOW. Its whats for lunch, so why wait?? Tipping my hat to you Susan!

There are a couple reasons why I love this dressing. First, because I'm not putting anchovies in ANYTHING I eat. Second, it really is that good. It isn't extremely thick like some mayo based dressings, but the good part is, there isn't a STITCH of mayo in this. This is clean, about 150 calories for 2Tbs, and just darn good. I hope you enjoy!

Caesar Dressing

1 C Olive Oil
1/4 C Water
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice (fresh is best, but I've used lemon juice from those yellow "lemon" looking know what I'm talking about...)
1 Tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 lg egg yolk
2 cloves garlic
1/4 C grated Parmesan Cheese (fresh is best, and then you can put some on top of the salad, but kraft can be used as well)

Add all ingredients to blender and blend well. Its best after it has been refrigerated for a couple hours. It thickens up  more that way.

I start with a bowl of thinly sliced romaine lettuce. I usually use mixed greens for almost any salad I use, but I find romaine sticks to tradition with this dressing. I then add grated parm cheese and top with croutons. If I'm making this for dinner, I do grill up some chicken and slice it for a more filling dish for Peter, but during lunch its me and this dressing SANS chicken.

I hope you enjoy this and let me know how well you like it.

Props to BLENDTEC for this recipe. YUM!

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