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Monday, April 1, 2013

Avocado and Egg Sandwich...with sprouts!

I felt like this was a good time to post this recipe I've had because it is the day after Easter...and the dilemma starts...what do I do with all these hard boiled eggs?? You can only have so many devilled eggs.

I had a few avocados the other day that I wanted to use up...ok, that NEEDED to be used up. So I went to my clean eating board on Pinterest and found a recipe I'd been wanting to try. I made a couple small changes, and it was delicious! Because my kids don't eat actual "sandwiches" yet, I just gave them some of the mixture and put it a bowl with a spoon. They ate it with crackers. I added sprouts to mine, and I'm sure if you wanted you could add some kind of cheese that you consider clean.

One thing about this recipe. You really need to eat it in one meal. Because avocado has a tendency to turn brown, its not very appealing a few hours later....bleh! Let me know if you like this, its a great alternative to adding mayonnaise to your egg salads, and adds some goodness!

Original recipe found HERE